Breaking News! Dmitry Kozak Held the First Meeting with the Head of Transdniestria

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On September 7, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Trade and Economic Relations with Moldova Dmitry Kozak held his first meeting with the head of Transdniestria, Vadim Krasnoselsky.   Today, September 7, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Trade and Economic Relations with Moldova, Dmitry Kozak, held his first meeting with the head of Transdniestria, Vadim Krasnoselsky.   What is noticeable is that Dmitry Kozak received the leader of Transdniestria immediately the day after his working meeting with Moldovan President Igor Dodon in Condrita. According to RTA experts, this situation indicates intensification of the Russian Federation in the process of settling relations between Moldova and Transdniestria and the desire to build a consistent policy on this topical track.   As certain indicators of this trend, RTA analysts earlier noted the appointment of the Russian political heavyweight Dmitry Kozak (having experience of working with Moldova and Transdniestria) on the Moldovan track, the negotiations between Russia and Germany on the matter of “frozen conflicts”, as well as the rather unexpected appointment of a German diplomat as the head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova for the first time in several decades.   As the press service of the head of Transdniestria informs, the dialogue participants discussed a number of topical issues of Russian-Transdniestrian interaction. In particular, the sides noted successful nature of the Russian peacekeeping operation on the banks of the Dniester and agreed that it should be continued in the existing format as a guarantee of peace and stability in the whole region.   Touching upon the topic of political and diplomatic cooperation between Tiraspol and Moscow, Vadim Krasnoselsky stressed Russia’s active participation in the 5+2 negotiating format as a guarantor country.   During the Moscow meeting, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister and head of Transdniestria discussed the current state and prospects of bilateral cooperation on economic, humanitarian and cultural issues. Vadim Krasnoselsky thanked the Russian Federation for supporting Transdniestria in these areas and expressed hope for continued active substantive interaction in the future.