In Belarus Decreased the Number of Alliance with Russia Supporters

Home / News / In Belarus Decreased the Number of Alliance with Russia Supporters
In 2019, supporting alliance with Russia number in Belarus decreased from 60.4% to 40.4%, Belsat TV reports with reference to the results of Andrei Vardomatski’s Belarusian analytical workshop sociological study. It is noted that from September to December last year, the number of union supporters decreased by 14.7% - from 54.8% to 40.4%. The fall is observed against the backdrop of the increase in the number supporters of joining the European Union: it increased from 24.4% to 32%. Last year, the presidents of Russia and Belarus did not rule out there was possible to sign an agreement on economic integration of the two countries on December 8, which is the 20th anniversary of Union State creation. However, at the meeting in Sochi, the heads of states failed to approve the plan for all the developed “road maps”. Besides, while the meeting in Sochi, a mass rally was held against integration with Russia in the center of Minsk.

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