Dodon on a Possible Premiership, "Why Not? I've Got Experience"

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The leader of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon does not deny the possibility of his premiership after the July 11 elections. "After July 11, we will summarize and analyze the results. It is important that these elections, if there are no violations, are promptly approved. It is necessary to approve the election results within two or three weeks. Thus, at the end of July or early in August, the Government will be appointed. We cannot wait. We are ready, we have a program, but we haven't discussed who will be a candidate for prime minister and ministers. We are ready to take responsibility for the government in two or three weeks," Dodon said on N4 TV channel, reports. The presenter asked a clarifying question whether Igor Dodon would be a candidate for the post of prime minister, to which the PSRM leader repeated that the names hadn't been discussed but stressed that he would manage those responsibilities. "Why not? I think we will manage this. We do have experience. I was the Minister of Economy, I was the President. We'll see. We make decisions together with our colleagues," Dodon replied.