"We Give Them Opportunity to Show What They Can Do." Dodon on whether the Bloc Will Contest the Election Results

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The chairman of the Party of Socialists (PSRM) Igor Dodon said that the Bloc of Communists and Socialists would not challenge the election results. As Dodon noted on July 14 on the air of the Glavnyi Vopros program on NTV Moldova, to protest the election results means delaying the process of forming a new government, and the PSRM does not want this. "We will not protest the elections. Yes, we have some comments. But to challenge the election results is to prolong the whole process. On the contrary, we are interested in the formation of a new government as soon as possible. People are waiting for concrete results," Dodon said. Answering the question whether the election results were a defeat for Igor Dodon or a victory for President Maia Sandu, Dodon said that it was after all a victory for Sandu. "If we got 20-25 mandates, it would be a defeat. And when we got 32, and if we remove the diaspora and add up the results of the left flank and the results of Maia Sandu, it turns out that we are somewhere close. I think this is Maia Sandu's victory. This is a yellow victory. And you need to understand that people wanted changes. That is why we said that we recognize the elections, and we did. We give an opportunity to show what they are capable of," Dodon said. As a reminder, on July 12, after the announcement of the preliminary election results, Dodon congratulated the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) and Maia Sandu on their victory in the parliamentary elections. He noted that PSRM is going into opposition. At the same time, Dodon, answering journalists' questions, said that now it makes no sense to bring people to the protest, which he spoke about earlier. "I think we need to quickly go through all the procedures to approve the results, hold the first session of parliament, quickly appoint a government and start working. Now is not the time for protests. People are tired of protests, people are tired of politics, people want concrete results," Dodon said. Recall, early parliamentary elections were held in Moldova on July 11. After processing 100% of the ballots, the Action and Solidarity party wins with 52.80% of the votes. 27.17% of voters voted for the bloc of communists and socialists, 5.74% - for the Shor party. The rest of the parties did not gain the 5% required to enter parliament.