Spinu on appointments in parliament: Most of the decisions have been made

Home / Politics / Spinu on appointments in parliament: Most of the decisions have been made
PAS deputy Andrei Spinu said that the distribution of parliamentary commissions was discussed within the party, and on July 27 the PAS faction will hold negotiations with other parliamentary parties The PAS deputy refused to say who is the party's candidate for the post of parliament chairman, but clarified that “most of the decisions have been made,” as jurnal.md reports. “We discussed in the faction how the commissions will be distributed. Tomorrow we will discuss it with other parties. I cannot say who spoke to whom, but tomorrow discussions on this topic will continue. We will make all announcements on Thursday. It is not fair to disclose names. Discussions are continuing, but most of the decisions have been made,” Andrei Spinu said in the Ora Expertizei program on Jurnal TV. The PAS deputy also commented on the criticism of the opposition made after the yesterday’s break in the session of the Parliament. "The rules were observed. Before the meeting, we had discussions, and we actually agreed on this procedure. We agreed that we will meet on Thursday to continue the discussions. We believe that the majority does not mean dictatorship, it means that there is democracy. If we did something else, like electing a chairman, it wouldn't change anything, because we needed to meet again. This is the fastest establishment of parliament in the history of the Republic of Moldova. We believe that this is a normal process. We had a period when meetings were called at night. , without knowing the agenda, projects to be considered, etc.,” Spinu added.