Ceban: An Attack on Me Is Being Prepared, Possibly with an Arrest

Home / Politics / Ceban: An Attack on Me Is Being Prepared, Possibly with an Arrest
The mayor of Chisinau, Ion Ceban, claims that a coordinated attack is being prepared against him in order to defame his image. Moreover, Ceban claims that certain structures persecuted him. "This week I was informed that each step of mine is being followed. Serious people and special structures are engaged in this to do their best to tar my reputation. So, my message is: do not try to find out where the entrances to the mayor's office and my office are. The office keys are kept at the lobby security, and the house door key is here in the office. I have nothing to hide, and I am not afraid even if you, dear employees of government agencies, are asked to blackmail me and prepare searches in my office and at home. Perhaps, I will be arrested for several days, months, or even longer. You are welcome to come!" Ion Ceban said at today's meeting of the City Hall, cited by Moreover, the mayor said that the services of the Romanian company were involved, as part of a strategy to defame his image. "I won't stop working and changing the situation in the city," said the mayor. At the same time, he advised the government to focus on such issues as rising prices, migration, and also noted that many "who got their hands dirty, returned to government positions."