Protesters Called on the European Council to Respond to Stoianoglo's Arrest

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The Bloc of Socialists and Communists (BoCS) demands the return of Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo to the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office. In the resolution, read by the deputy from the BoCS Adela Raileanu before the protesters, it was noted that a raider attack was carried out on the prosecutor's office system. “We testify: Aggressive actions aimed at the legal undermining and destruction of the foundations of democracy and the rule of law. A return to the methods and tools of the Plahotniuc regime, with the same compromised people who served oligarchic interests, using the same subversive methods of distracting people's attention from the difficult situation and socio-economic problems in the country, with “TV justice”, decisions and scenarios written outside the offices of judges and prosecutors. We state: Acomplete undermining of the universal principles of the rule of law and constitutional and legal norms. Conducting a raider attack on the Prosecutor's office system with the use and involvement of the SIS, initiated by a perverted desire to instill fear in people and seize this institution. In addition, we note that the society in the Republic of Moldova, including the non-governmental sector, as well as political forces express concern about the conformity of these political decisions taken by the new Government with the general principles proclaimed in the Constitution. At the same time, the actions and events in the Republic of Moldova on 05.10.2021 on the prosecutor's office system succumbing to political interests cannot be qualified either as reforms or as actions to protect the rule of power, but as abuses committed to subordinate the prosecutor's office and the justice system as a whole. These illegal goals are achieved through political persecution and ignoring the principles of legislative stability, as well as the non-removability and independence of these high-ranking officials. In fact, power is transferred to the political subordination of state authorities, which, according to the law, possess independence, functional and operational inviolability. We condemn: Theprocedure of removal from office and detention of Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo. We emphasize that the way the so-called “law enforcement agencies”, such as the Supreme Council of Prosecutors, the prosecutor directly appointed to the case, and the SIS, actually violate the Constitution and criminal proceedings, especially in relation to such subjects of constitutional law as the Prosecutor General. Thus, Alexandr Stoianoglo is clearly a victim of political repression and a dictatorial desire to appoint a state prosecutor hostile to society. We demand: The cessation of unconstitutional attacks and the destruction of the rule of law. Elimination of political control over the judicial system and the prosecutor's office in particular. The return of the legitimate Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo to the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office. We appeal: To the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the head of the Council of Europe Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), the Parliamentary Assembly of the EuropeanCouncil and the entire international community in the hope that they will intervene and help restore democratic principles in the Republic of Moldova, and we will return to observing the principle of separation of powers, legality and the rule of law.” Recall that today, on October 10, a protest rally of socialists took place in the center of Chisinau. Point