The United States Called on Allies to Supply Ukraine with Weapons

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A Pentagon spokeswoman said that other countries need to lift restrictions on the supply of lethal weapons to Kiev. Each US ally country should give Ukraine the opportunity to receive all the means necessary to protect it. This statement was made by Laura Cooper, deputy assistant to the head of the Pentagon for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, during a conference organized on Thursday, October 28, by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “I would like to see all our allies lift restrictions on the supply (to Ukraine - ed.) of lethal defense weapons as aid. <...> I believe that Ukraine should also have the opportunity to acquire the means that it needs for protection,” Cooper said. At the same time, she recalled that Washington had previously agreed to hand over American anti-tank missile systems Javelin to Kiev, and expressed bewilderment why a number of US allies still have restrictions on such transactions with Ukraine. As reported, in October, Ukraine received $60 million in military aid from the United States. Ammunition, anti-tank and precision weapons, medical equipment and others were delivered to Kiev.