Dodon on the Summoning to the Prosecutor General’s Office: the Government Wants to Divert People from the Poverty Problems

Home / Politics / Dodon on the Summoning to the Prosecutor General’s Office: the Government Wants to Divert People from the Poverty Problems
Igor Dodon has not received official summonses from the Prosecutor General’s Office, but if he does, he will certainly go. This is how the honorary PSRM chairman commented on the information appeared in the media today that he was summoned to the State Duma on the Energocom issue, reports Dodon noted that this topic has been studied long ago and is no longer relevant, there is absolutely nothing questionable or compromising concerning him. “These attempts were made during the seizure of the state by Plahotniuc, and at the time of AEI-1 and AEI-2, seeking to make at least something of this case. This topic is as meaningless as the accusation that I allegedly illegally held the position of president of the Chess Federation at the same time as the head of state. However, everything was carried out within the law. I want to assure you that this the prosecutor’s office is a smokescreen in the media, because today the authorities do not know what else to come up with to distract people from the problem of tariffs, regime failures, high prices, anti-democratic elections in Balti and the decline in the PAS rating,” Dodon stressed. The politician noted that he will soon return to Chisinau after a one-day working trip abroad and will give more detailed comments on the situation in the country, to what extent the situation is deteriorating and how hot the upcoming political spring will be. “If someone thinks that such shows will divert people from the problems of poverty, raising prices and tariffs, seizing state institutions, then they’re very mistaken. Attempts to intimidate me will fail. We always are and will always be ready to fight back against usurpers and incompetent people, even if they have changed their guise, but their habits give them away” he summed up. Point