Litvinenco: Analyzing the Possibilities of Outlawing the Sor Party

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The mandate of the new mayor of Balti, Nikolai Grigorisin, elected by a little more than 7 thousand votes, is presentable, since the new mayor was elected by the citizens. This is how Sergiu Litvinenco reacted to the results of the second round of local elections. According to the Minister of Justice, the exclusion of the candidate of the Shor party from the race for financial misconduct will be a lesson for all electoral competitors on the need to comply with the law and declare all their expenses as part of the campaign, notes Despite the fact that in the second round of early local elections in Balti, only 10,209 people, or 9.98% of the total number of voters, came to the polling stations, the Minister of Justice says that the mandate of the new mayor is presentable. “It’s much more presentable than if the mayor was appointed by someone else, and not elected by citizens. Fair, transparent, legal financing of parties is a defining element of free and fair elections. Democratic elections will be impossible as long as one of the competitors finances himself legally, declares all his expenses and fits into the established spending limits, and the other competitor mocks legislative norms. The law was only applied, directly punishing the non-declaration of part of the expenses within the campaign and exceeding their limit set by the central electoral body,” Litvinenco said in the studio of the program “În Profunzime” on the TV channel ProTV Chişinău. At the same time, the Minister noted that although the names of several Sor party leaders appear in the Kroll report, the last word in determining their guilt or innocence remains with the court. Sergiu Litvinenco said that international legislation is currently being analyzed in order to find out to what extent there are prerequisites for outlawing the Sor party. “If we talk about those who are involved in all kinds of gross violations and large-scale thefts from the state budget, then law enforcement agencies should speak out here. We are carefully analyzing the possibility of taking the party outside the law, analyzing international standards, and when we complete this analysis, we will inform the public about its results. Taking the party outside the law is not an easy matter. Yes, this party has repeatedly committed financial violations, but the question is whether this can lead to its recognition as unconstitutional,” Litvinenco explained. Point