PCRM and PSRM Merge to Become a Permanent Political Bloc

Home / Politics / PCRM and PSRM Merge to Become a Permanent Political Bloc
The corresponding decision was made today at a joint meeting of the PCRM political executive committee and the PSRM executive committee. As noted by the Communist Party chairman Vladimir Voronin at a press conference, the main task of the bloc will be to free Moldova from the PAS regime, aif.md reports. “This government should leave. Later on, we will study the opinion of citizens on whether this parliament should remain. They do nothing but take out loans. We see a total increase in prices and tariffs. No one rules the country today. This is an imitation, but in fact they do not govern nor control anything. They act like Plahotniuc and Filat thinking that they will be in power forever. But nothing lasts forever, everything has its end,” Voronin said. Point