Sandu and the Head of the European Council Discussed the Regional Situation and the Risks for Moldova

Home / Politics / Sandu and the Head of the European Council Discussed the Regional Situation and the Risks for Moldova
President Maia Sandu held a discussion with the President of the European Council Charles Michel. The topic of discussion was the events in the region, and possible risks for our state, tvr reports “We discussed the latest developments in the region and the risks they pose for the Republic of Moldova. Full support was expressed for the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine. I am grateful to hear the EU’s support for the region and the Republic of Moldova,” said President Maia Sandu. “I expressed the unity of the EU in the Ukrainian crisis and stressed that the EU is completely on the side of the Republic of Moldova. He reiterated his full support for the reform program in the Republic of Moldova,” said Charles Michel, President of the European Council. Point