Krasnoselsky: The Situation in Transdniestria Is Under Control

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The situation in Transdniestria is under control and there are no grounds yet for introducing a state of emergency or other special legal regimes. This was stated by the Tiraspol leader Vadim Krasnoselsky, reports. “In the context of the events taking place in Ukraine, I inform you that the leadership is fully controlling the situation in Transdniestria, ensuring the stability and security of citizens. The situation in the Security Zone is stable and under control,” Krasnoselsky said. He also informed about the establishment of an operational headquarters and the readiness of the authorities to provide the necessary assistance to foreign citizens temporarily arriving in Pridnestrovie. At the same time, it is reported that local residents are advised to refrain from traveling abroad until the situation stabilizes, to remain calm and use exclusively verified information from official sources. Point