Gavrilita Told When EU Accession Negotiations Will Begin

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Negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the EU can begin only next fall. This was stated by Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita in an interview with the NordNews news portal. Negotiations will continue until the country meets all the EU requirements. The Prime Minister also added that it was premature to create a negotiating team. “It’s up to us. There are countries that have been granted candidate status, and it took some time to start negotiations. Everything depends on the progress we make in the areas pointed out by the European Commission. The directions are well-known: progress in the fight against corruption, justice reform, the European Union wants to see the results of the evaluation of judges in the Superior Council of Magistrates, the evaluation of prosecutors in the Superior Council of Prosecutors, the strengthening of administrative capacities. We will have a negotiating team when the EU decides to start negotiations. It is likely that this decision will not be made until the end of next year, depending on our progress on stated reforms. Roughly, the assessment will take place next fall,” Natalia Gavrilita said. The Council of Europe unanimously voted for granting the status of candidate country to Moldova and Ukraine on June 23. Thus, the states will have to carry out the necessary reforms and adapt their legislation to the European one. Point