Another political party appeared on the political arena in Chisinau. It is a new party, Coalition for Unity and Well-being (Coalitia pentru Unitate si Bunastare – CUB), which was created at its first congress.
CUB representatives have stated that it is a coalition of free people of liberal views, who are aware that Moldova’s accession to the European Union will be achieved with a lot of difficulties, and they want to lend a hand with this, reports.
They also noted that well-being will never be achieved without greater unity in action, in governance and in finding solutions. Igor Munteanu, a former ambassador and well-known opinion leader, was elected chairman of the party.
Party chairman Igor Munteanu said that after the European Council’s decision to grant Moldova the status of a candidate country for EU accession, he thought that a common vision was essential to support this process. Then there were discussions on solutions to speed up this integration process. After all, Moldova could not miss this chance. So the new team decided to do everything possible so that the accession process would not remain only in the hands of bureaucrats, and that competent people would have their say.
“We are very different and, at the same time, we strongly believe that the Republic of Moldova, because of its vocation, language and culture, geography, but also because of the great expectations, which are born in the depths of our spirituality, deserves to achieve a greater presence in Europe, a greater Romanian involvement and a European course, supported by actions,” Igor Munteanu emphasized.
Rodica Gramma, a specialist in public health policymaking, said that for the past 20 years she was convinced that her white coat meant neutrality, that she should ignore politics and do her job in the hospital. But it turned out that decisions were made by incompetent people. So she decided that the white coat should represent neutrality in dealing with the patient, but when you have to save the country, you must speak up.
According to economist Veaceslav Ionita, the Coalition was born at a time when European integration is no longer a dream, but must become a reality. “The Republic of Moldova has a unique chance to become a member of the European Union in the shortest possible time,” Veaceslav Ionita believes.
Ludmila Armasu, pro-rector of the Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University, said that “Moldova is going through dark times, and, as you know, in dark times bright people shine.” That’s why she decided to join the CUB team, to take responsibility and also to share her experience.
Ex-Ambassador Igor Clipii says that developments in Moldova spurred him to engage in solving the country’s problems. “The initiative put forward by Mr. Munteanu has a future. I believe that all of us together can create a balance in Moldovan society and become a point of reference for a very large number of people who are looking for answers to their questions,” Igor Clipi said.
Academician Valeriu Matei, signatory of the Declaration of Independence, who was present at the congress, stressed that the country is going through troubled and difficult times, and in the space east of the Prut a major problem is looming at a time when the intellectual and human potential of Moldova has been almost halved.
“Why do we need a new political formation if we have so many of them, especially of the right and center-right spectrum under the surname “liberal” in its name? Because there is no internal cohesion in the society of the Republic of Moldova, no ability to bring together and unite all the conscious forces that can help the country to get out of the crisis situation and out of its mistakes (...) Secondly, the society of the Republic of Moldova is not fully de-communized, has not been released from the Soviet model of development, and this pro-imperial nostalgia is very harmful. Real democracy has not yet been established in this society,” noted Valeriu Matei.
Former Interior Minister Victor Catan stated that the party was created in a difficult period, under conditions of a border war, hybrid warfare, energy blackmail, etc. These facts exacerbated the political, social, economic and other crises.
“The Coalition for Unity and Welfare comes from a political program alternative to the existing ones and aims to strengthen national unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity,” said Victor Catan.
CUB members include Eduard Bulgak, Ion Terguta, Sviatoslav Mihalache, Mihail Bagas and Adrian Culai.
According to the organizers, institutionally, this party will join the European liberal ALDE/Renew Europe, which is the third force in the European Parliament