Demographic trends over the past 20 years show a continuous decrease in population of about 1.7 million people (1990-2022).
The composition of the population has changed. Currently, there is an increase in elderly population, which accounts for 22% of the total population, a low birth rate and an increase in mortality, especially among men, writes.
In addition, domestic and cross-border migration, especially of the young and reproductive population, is increasing.
It is estimated that by 2050, Moldova's population abroad will be almost equal to the population left in the country.
“The government must adapt to the new demographic realities and review its policies, creating conditions for families with children, ensuring work-life balance, providing opportunities for women in the workplace and encouraging older people to continue working, and supporting long-term education,” Secretary General Dumitru Udrea said at the 6th Global Conference on Population Aging and Low Fertility.
Udrea believes it is necessary to increase the demographic resilience of local and central governments and promote good governance by strengthening the capacity of local governments to use population data for better planning and program development.