Urechean noted that “Moldova signed many documents within the CIS framework, including bilateral ones, with the member states of the Commonwealth.
They first of all concern the economy. But withdrawal from the CIS is a big mistake”.
Serafim Urechean, ex-mayor of Chisinau, told this enews.md.
“We should be pragmatic and look into the future. We have lots of treaties in the CIS, both multilateral and bilateral. And it would be a big mistake to ignore them. It is wrong to rely only on the EU. When will we be admitted there? Good, if it will take 40 years. Take Turkey as an example, how long are they waiting?
When our government officials talk about something, they do not think at all about the implications. Not long ago they said they did not need Russian gas. And now what? They bowed and went on their knees before Transdniestria. They have created favorable conditions for Russia with their own hands,” Urechean stated.
Urechean wonders who among the power structures has thought of our agricultural producers.
“Recently I visited my home areas in the north of Moldova. Many of my friends there have started cutting down apple orchards because they have nowhere to sell their harvest. In the south they can’t properly sell the grapes they’ve grown, this year saw an excellent harvest. So who needs idle talk about whether we need the Commonwealth of Independent States at all? Such talk will do no good,” the former mayor said.
President Maia Sandu does not take part in CIS summits. Nor does she have plans to attend the informal meeting of leaders due in St Petersburg later in December.