Marina Tauber accused the government of preparing provocations on the left bank of the Dniester. According to the deputy, she was informed by special services from abroad.
The deputy claims that it is all planned for April 17. The parliamentarian also states that the actions will be staged with the participation of Romanian citizens as well, reports.
“I have shocking news for all citizens of the Republic of Moldova. According to international secret services, obtained from several sources, we have precise and verified information that our authorities, Maia Sandu and Dorin Recean are preparing a military provocation on the border with Transdniestria. Last week 10,000 National Police uniforms and 10,000 Moldovan Army uniforms were sent to Romania. 3,000 coffins were ordered,” Tauber said.
The government dismissed these statements.
“Ms. Tauber’s statements are lies and part of an ongoing discourse designed to sow fear and discord in society.
Ms. Tauber is trying to keep the complete failure of the paid protests from her sponsors.
Government agencies are working to prevent provocations and are keeping the situation under control,” government spokesman Daniel Voda said.