Nemerenco: Inspection Revealed Gross Violations in CNAMUP Activities

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Ala Nemerenco published excerpts from the Commission of Inquiry report on the National Center for Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Care (CNAMUP) administrative board from June 2022 to January 2023. The minister noted that this is only part of the violations, and the list could go on. Nemerenco stated that the report will be sent to National Integrity Authority and National Anticorruption Center. The Commission of Inquiry found: - lack of work of the audit service; - lack of administrative control over the activities of departments; - discrepancies between the staff lists approved at the Board of Directors’ meeting and those submitted to the Minister for approval, indicating falsifications in the documents; - employment, records of employment contracts - with significant violations; - most of the administrative staff (archive, external affairs, petitions and public relations, psychologists, auditing, etc.) worked remotely even after the pandemic emergency was canceled, with no regulations on remote work, no record of the work norm, no report or presentation of the work done; - fraudulent management of employment contracts; - employment that does not meet the requirements of the position (with a secondary school diploma for positions requiring higher education); - job cuts without prior notice to the staff; - although competitive hiring is required only for department heads, drivers and other personnel were also hired through a competitive process; - the majority of employees in the positions of heads of administrative and financial, logistical and support departments are relatives (about 60 people) - husband/wife, children, in-laws, etc; - several conflicts of interest in the case of relatives and payroll; - overlapping of functions and assignment of additional payments by the entity’s management and administrative staff without the approval of the board of directors; - illegal employment (remote work, without attendance in the office) of their own children, who held senior positions in other entities (it is unknown what they were doing, except getting high salaries); - salary increment of up to 200% for performance indicators for employees who have a conflict of interest with those who made decisions on the amount of payments; - performance pay and bonuses of up to 260% for employees in senior positions; - no difference between the additional and mandatory indicators, so the same performance was paid twice; - employees from External Affairs department were rewarded on the basis of their performance without submitting any performance reports; - public procurement processes are conducted with irregularities, many of them are divided into small contracts; - operation of the Training Center in the field of emergency and disaster medicine was carried out with great shortcomings (the instructors have no training in the subject they teach, no differences in the topics of training programs for doctors and paramedics, in testing, etc.) “Favoritism, nepotism, protecting one’s own interests, embezzling public money, and financial violations of the legal framework have for years demonstrated the transformation of CNAMUP into an estate from which they could not even be removed by force,” Nemerenco concluded.