Grosu: Russia Considers Emerging Democracies “Contagious” for its Citizens

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Speaker of Parliament Igor Grosu believes that the summoning of Moldova’s Ambassador to the Russian Foreign Ministry is a part of Russia’s imperialist approach. The Speaker assured that the Moldovan legislature will soon vote to withdraw from the Agreement with the Commonwealth of Independent States. Relations with Russia are seriously damaged. We cannot talk about good relations with an aggressor state that is destroying our neighbouring country Ukraine and ignoring all norms. We see aggressive rhetoric against the Republic of Moldova, we see organized hostile campaigns encouraged by this state and support for organized criminal groups, Grosu said. The Head of the legislative body stressed that Russia has become much more aggressive lately, especially after Moldova obtained the status of an EU candidate country. Grosu added that the Russian authorities’ summoning of Moldovan Ambassador Lilian Darii, who is accredited in Moscow, is a part of Russia’s imperialist approach. The summon of our Ambassador is an imperialist approach in the context of Moldova’s clear and open position. The best thing Russia can do now is to withdraw its army and stop killing civilians, destroying towns and villages. We faced energy shakedowns in winter but now we are more resilient, we faced embargoes, propaganda, disinformation – these things cannot create an atmosphere of friendship, Grosu stated. All the statements that we hear are imperial policies, harsh, cynical and disrespectful towards a fledgling democracy such as the Republic of Moldova. The Russian Federation considers such countries as contagious for its citizens, the head of the legislative body said.