Geoană: Russian Attacks Threaten Civilian Shipping in the Black Sea and Are Unacceptable

Home / Security / Geoană: Russian Attacks Threaten Civilian Shipping in the Black Sea and Are Unacceptable
NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană chaired a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council to discuss the acute situation in the Black Sea. “All the allies condemn Russia’s withdrawal from the grain deal and its attacks on critical infrastructure. NATO remains united in defending its values and all our allies expressed their solidarity with Romania after the terrorist attacks in Reni, a port located just a few hundred meters from the border with Romania,” quoted Mircea Geoană. Mircea Geoană said Russia’s attacks threatened civilian shipping in the Black Sea and were unacceptable, having created new risks and an unprecedented potential for escalation. In this regard, NATO has already intensified surveillance and reconnaissance activities in the Black Sea region, including the use of aerial maritime patrols and drones. At the same time, Mircea Geoană said he welcomed Turkey’s continued efforts to reactivate the grain agreement, as well as efforts by Romania and other allies to continue exporting Ukrainian grain by land and sea.