Moldovan Farmers Threaten to Resume Protests if Their Demands Are Not Met

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Moldovan farmers have threatened to resume protests from 14 August if the authorities do not meet their demands. This, as “European Pravda” writes, was stated by the association “Farmers’ Power”. Farmers claim that the Moldovan government ignores their requests for dialogue, which “makes the situation even more tense.” “The association’s council has met today and noted with deep concern that none of our demands made before the suspension of the protests in June have been met,” the statement said. They demand an immediate meeting with Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean, as well as compensation for grain producers and the distribution of diesel fuel that Romania has transferred. The agrarians also demand a moratorium on penalties on farmers’ debts until the end of 2023, a ban on blocking their accounts and initiating bankruptcy proceedings against them. In addition, they seek the creation of special customs corridors for the export of grain and oilseeds. “If our demands are ignored again, we will resume protests from 14 August,” concluded the “Farmers’ Power”. We would like to recall that during this summer, the Farmers’ Power Association held protests in the center of Chisinau. The organization demanded that the government take measures to help agrarians. Among the association’s demands were, in particular, to impose a ban on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine and to oblige the Giurgiulesti port to export only Moldovan agricultural products.