Recean Is On a Working Visit to Kyiv to Represent Moldova at the Crimea Platform Summit

Home / Politics / Recean Is On a Working Visit to Kyiv to Represent Moldova at the Crimea Platform Summit
Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean is on a working visit to Kyiv. He will represent Moldova at the Crimea Platform summit to be held in Ukraine on 23 August. The following officials will accompany the prime minister on his trip to the neighboring country: Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Minister Vladimir Bolea, Energy Minister Victor Parlicov, Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu, as well as State Secretary of the Foreign and European Integration Ministry Ruslan Bolbocean. “During the visit to Ukraine, talks with Ukrainian partners are also scheduled. The topics related to strengthening cooperation between Moldova and Ukraine will be on the agenda,” Daniel Voda, spokesman for Prime Minister Dorin Recean, told TV8. The Crimea Platform is an international consultation and communication mechanism initiated by Ukraine, which will operate on a permanent basis and whose ultimate goal is the de-occupation of Crimea and its return to internationally recognized borders. The main purpose of the Crimea Platform is to coordinate the actions of the Ukrainian state authorities with regard to Crimea, to do everything possible for the return of Crimea, and to protect the rights of the peninsula’s residents. The tasks of the Crimea Platform are to provide a strategic vision of international policy regarding Crimea, to strengthen the international community’s attention and resources regarding Crimea in order to force Russia to return to international law and to stop the occupation of Ukrainian territories.