Grosu on Transnistrian Reintegration: I Don’t Support a Quick Solution

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Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said that the authorities are constantly working on a reintegration plan for the left bank of the Dniester. According to him, right now state institutions are carrying out a number of activities in this direction. “This process should be continuous. There are activities to analyze, design, develop actions to resolve this issue. That’s what the Reintegration Bureau does. Besides the fact that it constantly monitors the situation, they also develop instruments with our partners, because we are talking about legislation, economy, social sphere,” Igor Grosu said in the programme Punctul pe Azi on the TVR Moldova TV channel. Parliament speaker believes that preservation of stability and peace in the region is the government’s success in this direction. “We have achieved good results. We’ve managed to preserve stability and peace in the region. I am not in favor of a quick solution; it is not what resolving the conflict means. The citizens of the left bank do not want escalation, they understand what it means. Ukraine’s victory over Russia will certainly put an end to this conflict faster, but there are costs, even in the energy sector,” Igor Grosu said. On 11 September, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian met with Paun Rohovei, Ukraine’s ambassador for special missions in charge of the Transnistrian issue. During the meeting, the officials discussed the dynamics of the dialogue between Chisinau and Tiraspol, the activity of the Moldovan-Ukrainian mixed intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation, as well as the current regional situation. The officials exchanged views on the prospects for advancing the Transnistrian settlement process.