Igor Grosu, commenting on the possibility of appointing a specialist from Romania to the post of prosecutor general, said that this idea had always been voiced.
According to him, such a decision is tough and requires more courage.
“The idea of inviting a prosecutor general from Romania has always been voiced. Now that we’re out of options, it is a reality. It is not easy, it requires great courage, great determination,” the parliament speaker said.
Grosu explained that even if the prosecutor general invited from Romania has an advantage, has no vulnerabilities, is unrelated to the system in Moldova, such a decision requires courage.
According to him, it is right that experts from Romania take important offices in Moldova.
“When you have a good expert, and not necessarily from Romania, that is our benefit, we have to be savvy and find the right person, and we will be lucky that he leaves his post in Brussels or Romania and comes to Moldova,” Igor Grosu concluded.