As of 31 December 2023, Moldova’s public debt amounted to MDL 104 billion, increasing by 10% compared to 2022. Besides, during the last two years of the PAS administration, an unprecedented external public debt increase was recorded, while the results leave much to be desired. Tatiana Cunețchi, a BCS MP, said this during a press briefing.
”The money received was not used as required; it was not used for economic growth, new jobs creation, infrastructure development. The money was used to repay loans. The economy cannot develop under such conditions, with a complete lack of strategy. The authorities are treading in one place. They are trying to pay off the debt solely by raising prices, tariffs and taxes. Citizens are getting poorer and poorer,” she added.
BCS MP Alla Darovannaia noted that high inflation had significantly reduced the purchasing power of citizens and led to an increase in absolute poverty.
“At the same time, Premier Energy is demanding an increase in electricity tariff from 1 March.
Under the conditions of high inflation, constant increase of prices and tariffs, Moldova is at the last place in the list of European countries in terms of minimum wages and pensions,” she said.
In addition, she drew attention to the government’s decision to cancel social canteens, which provide free meals to vulnerable people, and to reduce the number of personal assistants. Alla Darovannaia also spoke about the significant reduction of funds for medicine, despite a significant increase in tariffs for medical services.
“Moldova is not about Europe. Moldova is about poverty”, she concluded.