The population and housing census have started in Moldova on 8 April and will last until 7 July. About 4,000 enumerators will be involved. Information about the population will be collected through surveys, as well as data from administrative and private sources. This was reported by the National Bureau of Statistics.
The data collected include information on people in the household (for example: year and place of birth, place of residence, mother tongue, level of education, employment) and on housing (for example: availability of sewerage and water supply, heating method, area and materials of construction).
Participation in the census is compulsory according to the Law on Population and Housing Census. Privacy of personal data in the census is stipulated in the national census legislation.
“The purpose of the census is to provide information of public interest on the permanent population and housing for the design, monitoring and evaluation of policies, for arguing human development decisions, for scientific research and for the development of the business environment,” the National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement.
The last population and housing census took place in Moldova in 2014.