Veronica Dragalin is expected to stand in Parliament. The Commission for Law, Appointments and Immunity sent an invitation to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office head. The reason was the questions about the allegations against a member of the evaluation commissions for the verification of judges and prosecutors, Tatiana Răducanu.
The MPs want to know if there is evidence that Răducanu is linked to Veaceslav Platon and Ilan Șor. The request comes after the head of state, the speaker of Parliament and a number of MPs said last week that they wanted to familiarize with the evidence from the case. Veronica Dragalin is in charge of the criminal case against Răducanu.
‘We will send a formal enquiry to the institution. As long as the commission members have questions, they have the right to ask and get certain answers accordingly.
It is her decision, if she wants to answer in writing, we will also accept a written answer, we are always open for formalized institutional communication, but it is still desirable to come to the meeting of the commission, if she accepts the invitation,’ - the Chair of the Parliament Legal Commission Roșca said.
‘Article 6 of the Constitution stipulates the separation and co-operation of state powers. We are talking here about institutionalized communication. We are not talking about requesting evidence from the case. We are not interfering in the course of justice and even less in the examination of evidence. The members of the commission have the right to ask questions in order to obtain certain official clarifications, nothing more,’ the Chair of the Parliamentary Legal Commission added.