Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Arrives in Kyiv

Home / World / Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Arrives in Kyiv
According to media reports, there will be a meeting with Zelensky. Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the EU on 1 July. Prime Minister Orbán Viktor arrived in Kyiv on Tuesday for the first time since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The European Pravda newspaper reported that the head of Hungary’s government arrived at the Hungarian embassy. According to media reports, there will be a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian officials. Hungarian government spokesman Zoltán Kovács said the aim of the talks was achieving peace in Europe and bilateral relations. The Guardian quoted its sources and said that Orbán’s visit had been planned as a result of lengthy negotiations over the rights of the Hungarian-speaking minority in Ukraine living in areas near the border between the two countries. Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the EU on 1 July. Orbán visited Ukraine last time in 2010.