Moldova’s CEC May Increase the Number of Polling Stations Abroad

Home / Politics / Moldova’s CEC May Increase the Number of Polling Stations Abroad
The CEC considers increasing the number of polling stations abroad by at least 59. However, this will require analyzing the dynamics of Moldovan citizens’ participation, information on the number of voters from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the results of pre-registration. Only then can we talk about opening additional polling stations, Central Election Commission Chair Angela Caraman said on 9 July. In an interview on Radio Moldova’s Spațiul Public programme, the CEC chair said that the opening of additional polling stations is being considered for the autumn presidential elections and referendum abroad. She urged diaspora voters to register in advance to vote. Citizens wishing to vote by mail also need to register in advance. Upon pre-registration, the voter submits an online application to vote through the postal service. Caraman explained that in some states, the voting process can be organized over two consecutive days, on Saturday and Sunday. “We can take Israel as an example. Sunday is a working day there, so it is more difficult for voters in Israel to get to the polling station. But Saturday is a day of rest and they could come to the polls,” the chair of the Central Election Commission said.