The Number of People in Moldova Decreased Since Last Census. 350,000 People Are Missing

Home / Society / The Number of People in Moldova Decreased Since Last Census. 350,000 People Are Missing
The population continues to decrease in Moldova. According to the general results of the population census for the last 10 years, the number of people has decreased by 350 thousand. These are the data of comparative analysis of the census of 2014 and 2024, they do not show the exact figures of the population decrease, but they make us understand the persistence of the trend, which has been observed in our country for many years. Almost 4,000 people categorically refused to provide information to the census enumerators. At the same time, 20% of respondents refused to provide their personal identification number. According to preliminary data of the National Bureau of Statistics, 2 million 448 thousand people took part in the census, which is 350 thousand less than 10 years ago. At the same time, census takers counted 1 million and 665 thousand flats and houses. Final data on the distribution by age, sex, population, religion and other criteria will be made public by the end of next year, after they have been processed and compared with data from administrative sources. The authorities say that 50 people have already been fined for refusing to participate in the census and several thousand more will receive fines of up to 2,500 lei. One out of five people refused to provide personal data from identity cards to enumerators. Incidents also occurred during the census. In 30 cases, law enforcement officers had to visit the census enumerators and intervene in resolving conflict situations, as verbal and even physical aggression was used against people who were collecting data. The National Bureau of Statistics will also conduct the so-called post-census. It will take place from 15 July to 11 August not throughout the country, but only in certain specially selected locations. Authorities say the data collected will help develop public policy more accurately and effectively for future years.