Republicans Demand That Biden Resign ‘Immediately’

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U.S. President Joe Biden must “immediately” resign as head of state following his refusal to run for another term, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, said. “If Joe Biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president. He must resign the office immediately. 5 November [the date of the presidential election] is not that soon,” he posted in his X account, reports. The chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and the head of the Republican campaign headquarters, Richard Hudson, also demanded that Biden resign early. He expressed the opinion that the incumbent president is “mentally unfit” to fulfil the duties of the head of state and called the American leader’s decision to withdraw from the presidential race “a scandal of historic scale”. “Our president is incompetent, the Democrats knew it, and they lied to the American people to cover it up. Voters will not forgive or forget the ultimate betrayal of their trust,” CNN quoted Hudson as saying. He questioned Biden’s ability to continue as head of state until the end of his term, which expires in January 2025. “If the president is mentally unfit to campaign, he is mentally unfit to have the nuclear codes. Every House Democrat must now answer: is the president fit to serve the rest of his term?” Hudson’s statement said. Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race on the evening of 21 July. In his address, he said that he had made such a decision in the interests of the Democratic Party and the country. According to Biden, despite the cessation of campaigning, he will continue to serve as head of state until the end of his term. Biden named Vice President Kamala Harris as his Democratic successor. The final decision on the nomination of the candidate should take the national convention of the Democratic Party. Republican candidate Donald Trump, commenting on Biden’s decision, called him “the worst president in the history” of the United States. The Kremlin urged to “be patient and watch carefully what will happen next”.