Sandu on 5 National Goals Announced in 2020: I Promised No Earthly Heaven

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The head of state, Maia Sandu, spoke about what was implemented out of the five national goals she had announced in 2020. Recall that the five goals were as follows: to bring Moldova out of isolation and closer to the European Union; to allocate two billion lei annually for rural modernization projects; to raise the minimum pension to 2000 lei; work at home and united families; justice, order and discipline, reported. The President said that in many ways they have been achieved, but there are points that need to be worked on further. Maia Sandu noted that schools were repaired, hospitals were renovated with modern equipment, pensions increased, and entrepreneurs received appropriate support to develop their businesses. Many families were able to patch water and sewerage after 30 years of waiting. “The opponents say that I’ve done nothing, but this is their only way of campaigning, they don’t know any other. What matters to me is any action that has improved the living conditions in Moldova. I did not promise earthly heaven, I promised that we would rid Moldova of the oligarchic regime, theft from the state budget, decay of all institutions,” Maia Sandu said. The head of state added that there are spheres where mistakes have been made: “We are responsible for them.” Maia Sandu said that she “did not sell the country, Moldova remained free and dignified”. “We, all Moldovans, managed to keep the peace in the most difficult periods. And we did not sell our country! We remained free, dignified and live in peace. We work, we build, we take care of our families and our country. We are listened to and respected by the most developed nations of the world. And we succeeded precisely because we kept trust in each other, remained united and acted wisely,” Maia Sandu said.