MAN Party Has Not Decided Who to Support in the Poll: Let’s Analyze the Candidates’ Programmes

Home / Politics / MAN Party Has Not Decided Who to Support in the Poll: Let’s Analyze the Candidates’ Programmes
The National Alternative Movement (MAN) party will decide who it will support in the election race after analyzing all election programmes. This was announced by the party leader and the capital’s mayor Ion Ceban. At the same time, Ion Ceban said he had recently held talks with almost all presidential candidates, but declined to give more details, reported. “As for supporting one candidate or another, I mentioned that this can be discussed only within the party. At this stage, this topic has not yet been discussed by my colleagues together, because we don’t even know exactly who will end up being the actual candidate with the right documents. We will definitely analyze all the programmes available and when there is a decision, we will announce it publicly,” Ion Ceban said. Presidential elections and a constitutional referendum on European integration will be held in Moldova on 20 October.