Recean: Goal for the Next Few Years Is Sustained Economic Growth of 7 Per Cent

Home / Politics / Recean: Goal for the Next Few Years Is Sustained Economic Growth of 7 Per Cent
The Prime Minister said that the economic recovery would be sufficient, and that would be felt by the Moldovan citizens. In an interview on Moldova 1 channel, Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that the goal for the next years was a sustainable economic growth of at least 7 per cent, reports. ‘Prosperity is felt when economic growth is above 6.5-7%. This is the goal: to achieve sustainable economic growth of at least 7% in a few years. And then citizens really feel this economic growth, incomes increase. We are working on this. If we see the average wage in the economy growing, it is clear that there was also an inflationary phenomenon. But since this year, household incomes have started to increase. Accordingly, in a year or two we will have a sufficient economic recovery to be felt by all of us, i.e. the whole country,’ Recean said.