Farmers Discouraged by the President’s Proposal for a Meeting Next Week

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A representative of the presidential administration says that Maia Sandu “had an extremely busy schedule”, so she did not have time to go out to negotiate with the farmers standing at the gates of the president’s office. The agrarians were told that the president is waiting for them for talks next Wednesday, at 9:00, reported. However, the explanation of the president’s office spokesperson has displeased the farmers: “We invite the president at 9 o’clock to the field for discussion because we will be in there. In 2020, there was time for everything,” said farmer Sergiu Stefanco. Another agrarian recalled that in previous elections, farmers had supported the president: “I tell you warts and all: the president does not lead this country. We respect her, we are citizens of this state who voted for her, and we brought her here,” said farmer Sergiu Ivanov. Farmers from several districts of Moldova, including Cahul, Cantemir, Causeni and Falesti, took to the streets to protest against the current policies of the Moldovan government. The protest was a reaction to the government’s decision to distribute 100 million lei to farmers, which the farmers themselves consider unfair. In addition, they are dissatisfied with the law recently adopted by the parliament to suspend debt payments to farmers for six months. As part of the protest, the farmers demanded a meeting with the country’s leadership, including the president, to discuss the revision of the law. They demand that state aid be distributed more equitably, taking into account all affected regions, including the center, north and south of the country. The agrarians also demand the resignation of Agriculture Minister Vladimir Bolea, with whom they refuse to hold discussions.