Recean: We Have Justice Stars Who Don’t Live Up to Expectations

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Prime Minister Dorin Recean did not comment on the statements by the head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office about the sabotage of Ilan Sor’s extradition by the Justice Ministry. “I won’t comment on the prosecutor’s political statements. Everyone’s expectations are very simple: cases, evidence, prison. I think everyone is fed up with the stars of the “Justice System” series. Everyone wants justice to be done. I recommend going to the villages, talking to citizens and asking them what they think about the way justice is done,” Dorin Recean said, reported. Asked if he was satisfied with the way the justice was being dispensed, Recean replied: “I’ve said several times: we finally have prosecutors and judges who started to act. But unfortunately, we still have a few stars who are not living up to expectations.” The day before, the AP head Veronica Dragalin accused the Ministry of Justice of sabotaging the extradition of Ilan Sor. “The Ministry of Justice is sabotaging the extradition procedure of Ilan Sor. I prepared the text of the extradition request according to the form on the European Commission’s website, coordinated all the contents with Israeli prosecutors, and the Ministry of Justice refused to send the necessary version that would ensure success in this case,” Dragalin said.