Sinchevici: Russian-language TV Channel Can Be Fully Funded by Grants

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The MP said that discussions are ongoing with potential donors and more details will be forthcoming. “Over the next week, we will hold a series of public consultations. We will also invite the management of the national television, discuss the budget and ask them to present the concept. At the same time, we are in discussions and are almost in the final stages of negotiations with some potential donors who could cover all the costs of this television with a grant. I expect to receive more information and it will be announced soon,” the PAS MP said, according to During the same programme, the author of the project refuted the statements that Moldova 3 would become a propaganda tool of PAS. ‘PAS has never done, is not doing and will never do propaganda on the national channel. It did not do it on Moldova 1, it will never do it on the new TV channel. This goes against our values and we never promote people depending on their political affiliation, depending on their political views,” Sinchevici added.

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