On the Socialist Party Birthday Igor Dodon Said that PSRM Has No Alternative but to Take Power

Home / News / On the Socialist Party Birthday Igor Dodon Said that PSRM Has No Alternative but to Take Power
The Socialist Party has an important role to play in the history of the Republic of Moldova, perhaps the most important among all Moldovan parties for the entire period of the country’s development. These are the expectations of President Igor Dodon, who was the head of this political formation before becoming the head of the state. In his message posted on the social network on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the party, Igor Dodon said that the PSRM must win the next parliamentary elections, IPN reports. According to Igor Dodon, for 21 years there have been both good things and bad things. It was a long way, and today PSRM is a people’s most trusted party. “In the near future, the country will hold parliamentary elections. PCRM simply must win the elections in order to give Moldova a new chance for the future, and I am confident that this will happen. PSRM has no alternative – it must take power and put an end to the lawlessness that has been going on in the country for many years”, Igor Dodon wrote. The President also believes that PSRM is in a position to establish effective governance of the country and ensure the high level of citizens’ welfare that they deserve. Source: Press obozrenie