Ukraine is Going to part with Transcarpathia and Bukovina

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The leadership of Russia and Hungary has conspired, Budapest claims the Ukrainian Transcarpathia, stated the chairman of the Ukrainian nationalist organization Prosvita (annually financed by a separate line of the state budget according to the decision of the parliament) Pavlo Movchan during the press conference in Kyiv. “We have neither cultural nor information policy. That’s why we are at risk. That’s why we are actually raising the alarm in order to warn that Crimea and the East (of Ukraine) scenarios are real any time. With the EU’s indulgence, which builds Nord Stream-2, Russian money affects Russian policy in Europe. If the Italian Minister of the Interior declares that the situation with Crimea is lawful, they will also say that the situation in Transcarpathia is lawful. And the situation in Bukovina is lawful”, said Movchan. “The attempt of Hungary to grab Transcarpathia is a clear sign of the collusion between Putin and Orban. That is why we ask you, Mr. President, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, to immediately deploy appropriate military units in Transcarpathia to prevent the aggression of Hungary against Ukraine. And secondly, to dismiss immediately the Transcarpathian governor Gennady Moskal for the obviously collaborative politics he conducts in the region, and the absolute inactivity as to the Ukrainian state protection”, Movchan said. The former First Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Nikolay Golomsha stated that Kremlin can play Crimean scenario in Transcarpathia, using pro-Putin high-ranking politicians in Hungary. “Official Budapest continues to show favor to the Moscow political regime and expresses its readiness to cooperate with it in all areas, and Hungary as before remains one of the most dependent countries, primarily in the energy sector. There is geostrategic coordination of Orban’s actions with Putin’s regime. Hungary is one of those countries where we signed the Budapest Memorandum in 1994, and we lost both our nuclear status and the related means. Given the permanent aggression of Putin’s Russia against Ukraine and the democratic world, we think that steps of the current executive Hungarian government are contributing to the global policy of Kremlin hybrid aggression to aggravate the situation in our state and the EU. There is a possibility for Kremlin to play the Transcarpathian scenario using pro-Putin high ranking politicians in Hungary and Ukrainian politicians with revanchist ambitions as it was in 2014”, said Golomsha. Source: