Groysman: EU-Ukraine Association Council Meeting will Take Place in December

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Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini discussed the preparation of EU-Ukraine Association Council meeting to be held this December. “I had a phone conversation with Federica Mogherini. We had a detailed discussion of our current cooperation, as well as the preparation and content of EU-Ukraine Association Council meeting which we plan to have this December”, he wrote on his Facebook page. During our talk “we have agreed to use this meeting to form a clear logistics of our integration with the EU. In particular within the following workstreams: justice, digital market, energy and customs”, said Volodymyr Groysman. He stressed that the goal of Ukraine is the European Union integration. This is why we have a constant and intensive dialogue with the European Commission. Source: RBC Ukraine