Media Informed about the Trump Administration's Secret Anti-China Plans

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According to two sources briefed on the sensitive internal discussions, the Trump administration is planning to launch a major administration-wide broadside against China, reports Axios. According to these sources the broadside against China will include White House, Justice Department, Department of Commerce and Department of Defense. Among other things the White House plans to unveil new information about China's hostile actions against America's public and private sectors. Moreover, administration officials will call out China for its “malign activity” in cyberattacks, election interference and industrial warfare (e.g. intellectual property theft). The Presidential administration has marshaled tons of data to support its charges against China. "We are going to show how the Chinese have infiltrated the U.S. and what we are doing to counter it," said the source and added that “the push is coming from the national security apparatus” and “cyber theft has been appearing more often in the President's Daily Briefs”. Source: RBC