Trump Approved the Allocation of 250 Million Dollars to Ukraine

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American President has signed Pentagon budget, which provides for $250 million in security assistance to Ukraine. U.S. President Donald Trumphas signed previouslyapproved by U.S. Congress Pentagon budget for 2019, which provides for $250 million in security assistance to Ukraine, the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States wrote on Facebook. “U.S. President Donald Trump has signed the bill on the Department of Defense Appropriations Act 2019, which provides for $250 million in security assistance to Ukraine”, the statement reads. As reported, the sum is 50 million higher than the allocations of the 2018 budget for relevant financial aid programs for Ukraine. “We highly appreciate the growing support of Ukraine by our key strategic partner, the United States of America, aimed at strengthening the defense capability of our state in countering the Russian aggression”, the embassy noted. According to the document, $250 million is to be allocated, among other things, for military exercises, the provision of military equipment, lethal weapons and logistics support, and the replacement of previously provided weapons or military goods. Source: Korrespondent