Dodon on PDM-Proposed Referendum: Let Them Prove This Is Not an Election Gimmick

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The Democrats took over the PSRM initiatives with their proposal to reduce the number of deputies in parliament. This is the opinion of President Igor Dodon expressed today. “They nevertheless decided to be inspired by the political messages from the left flank, even so late,” commented Dodon. The head of state recalled that among the topics for the consultative referendum proposed by him in September 2017 were: a reduction in the number of deputies from 101 to 71, abolition of the law obliging citizens to pay the stolen billion, introduction of the subject “History of Moldova”, additional powers to the President, including dissolution of an irresponsible Parliament. Then the initiative to conduct a nationwide survey was blocked by the authorities. Igor Dodon called on the Democrats to prove their good intentions by including a few more questions in the ballot paper. “If the Democrats claim that they are honest, that this is not just an electoral trick, but a real concern for the opinions of citizens, I propose to include in the referendum the topics of the 2017 plebiscite, in order to complete the initiative of the referendum proposed by the President last year. Moreover, if this referendum is focused exclusively on parliamentary issues, I suggest they introduce a clause prohibiting the transfer of deputies from one faction to another. Thus, it will allow to avoid the harmful practice of recent years, when the party, initially having a modest representation in Parliament, as a result of the migration of deputies can get the largest faction and take control of the government. Migration of deputies shall be prohibited by law” – he said. The head of state stressed that the referendum cannot be used as a tool for political PR. “The referendum is the most democratic form of the will expression of citizens, but it should not be transformed and used as an instrument of political PR on the eve of the elections,” Dodon concluded.