EU Ministers Back the Brexit Deal

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EU leaders have praised the Brexit deal with the UK which should be adopted in a special EU summit on November, 25, said the European Union’s Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier on Monday, November 19, at the end of a meeting with the foreign ministers of EU countries. According to Barnier, European foreign ministers fully support the 585-page draft agreement agreed by London and Brussels on November 13. The “firm unanimity” of the 27 EU countries on the draft agreement was also announced by the deputy head of the Irish government, Simon Coveney, Brexit negotiator and the Minister of foreign affairs and trade. This document is a balanced and fair compromise between London and Brussels, Coveney wrote in his Twitter microblog. In turn, Economy Minister of Germany, Peter Altmaier, commenting on the draft agreement on Brexit for told Germany's ZDF television, said that “we should stick to what we have now”. Representatives of the governments of Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic spoke in a similar vein, reports Reuters. British Prime Minister Theresa May again spoke in defense of the agreement with Brussels. “we have in view a deal that will work for the UK, and let no one be in any doubt, I am determined to deliver it”, May said at the CBI conference in London. Source: Delfi