Madrid Threatens to Vote No on Brexit Deal over Gibraltar

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The future of Gibraltar cannot be made dependent on negotiations between the UK and the EU, said Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Spain will not support the agreement between Brussels and London on Breхit, if the draft document is not amended on the status of Gibraltar - overseas territory of the United Kingdom, disputed by Madrid, stated Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Tuesday, November 20. This is about the 184th article, at this stage included in the agreement. If it remains in the document, Spain’s claims on this piece of land, including the Rock of Gibraltar and the isthmus, will be practically impossible in the future. “Gibraltar does not belong to the United Kingdom, it is represented by the United Kingdom but it doesn't belong to the United Kingdom”, noted Sanchez. “As a country, we cannot assume that what will happen to Gibraltar in the future depends on a negotiation between the United Kingdom with the European Union”, stressed Spanish Prime Minister. Source: DW