Poroshenko: Accession to EU Matter of Several Years

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Ukraine’s membership in the EU is a matter of years, not decades, said President Petro Poroshenko at a meeting with students of the National University of Trade and Economics. Poroshenko noted that 70% of Ukrainians approve the way towards the EU membership, that’s why the relevant amendment to the Constitution was introduced to the Verkhovna Rada and approved in the first reading. “This is not a question of decades, it is a question of years,” said the head of state about the time frame for joining the European Union. The Ukrainian president asked students to support him in order to “lead the country to Europe, to the EU, to NATO”. In July, Poroshenko said that he was counting on Ukraine’s accession to the EU until 2025, when “all obstacles will be overcome”. The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU was finally ratified in July 2017, and entered into force in September of the same year. In addition, there is an agreement on visa-free entry of Ukrainian citizens into the European Union for up to 90 days. Source: RBC