Slovakia Opposes Nord Stream 2

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Slovak President Andrei Kiska during a press conference after the meeting with the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expressed the opinion that Nord Stream 2 is exclusively a political project, 112 Ukraine reports. “Slovakia has always stressed that this is not an economic project but political. This is very important to understand if someone constantly says that this is only a business project. No,  no way! This is only a political project,” Kiska claimed. Petro Poroshenko added that the parties held negotiations on the coordination of efforts to prevent the construction of a politically motivated Russian project. It became known earlier that the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia, Miroslav Lajčák, expressed the desire that the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 project did not become a threat to European energy security. According to him, after the launch of the gas pipeline, Slovakia should not lose its transit role.