London May Declare Martial Law after Brexit

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In the case of disordered brexit, the United Kingdom can declare martial law to prevent chaos in the country. The government is currently discussing the appropriateness of applying the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, which allows for a curfew, confiscation of property, restriction of freedom of movement and the use of armed forces to quell unrest. As noted, the government in London in such circumstances will also receive the right to amend any legislation with the exception of the Human Rights Act. “The dominant theme in all matters relating to planning for the case of chaotic Brexit is civil disobedience and the fear that it can lead to death in the event of a shortage of food and medicine,” an informed source explained. Another source said that the planners considered the situation in the result of disruptions caused by the volcanic eruption in Iceland in 2010 as a model of a breach of order. “This is the closest example in modern British history, although nothing can compare in scale to chaos with unregulated Brexit, which will be a thousand times worse than a crisis due to a cloud of volcanic ash,” he said. The Sunday Times also reports that the government in London is seeking to extend working hours for parliamentarians to enable them to complete the development of Brexit legislation before the UK leaves the EU scheduled for March 29. Postimees