Russian Foreign Ministry about Settlement of Transnistrian conflict

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Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova made a comment on the possibility of a quick settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. “When upon coming to power some political forces announce that conflicts and problems that have been lingering on for decades should be resolved quickly, that raises the following question – do they really believe their predecessors failed to realise this?” Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated commenting on President Igor Dodon’s statement about the possibility of a quick resolving the Transnistrian conflict, IPN reports. “Obviously, the need to resolve this problem was clear to all. Nobody objected to a fair and respectful solution for all residents, a solution that must be legal and, naturally, achieved by political and diplomatic methods. In effect, all mechanisms that were created for resolving this issue proceeded from exactly this premise”, Maria Zakharova said during the press conference. According to her, given such reasons, on the one hand, politicians’ intentions to resolve issues swiftly contain nothing bad. However, the realities should be taken into account. The message should not be theoretical, but should be connected with the chronology of the issue and real possibilities. Maria Zakharova referred to the statements made by the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, who said it is extremely important not to do harm and this thing should be borne in mind. According to her “there is nothing bad in the intentions of politicians to resolve issues quickly. The main point is that they should reflect reality rather than be a theoretical thesis. They should be linked with background history and real possibilities. As Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that it is very important to do no harm”, and this should always be remembered. Source: